Core Synergistics and Kenp X
Today I did the core synergistics; what can I say about it. I don't really care for it. It was a good workout, there is some
pretty crazy moves in it, that I never did before. Some of the stuff I was familiar with. It was pretty hard and there was some pretty good workouts. Now I have BANANA stuck in my head. I hope it gets better the second time. Kenpo X was good as asual, and still my favourite. My diet has been going pretty good which is high protien, good carbs, and good fat lol. and plus once a week I have my cheat day. Iam also taking Whey Pro XL here; is some info on the product, I think it is a really product
Whey protein powders have changed forever, and Whey Pro XL is the reason why! Whey Pro XL is the only Whey Protein Blend (Concentrate and Isolate) of its kind enhanced with some of the world's most advanced nutrient compounds, making it an exciting breakthrough in Whey Protein Supplementation!
Whey Pro XL is the only Whey Protein supplement on the market to feature a key insulin and sugar controlling compound plus an advanced nutrient absorption and assimilation matrix for!
Whey Pro XL is a must for the active individual and elite athlete seeking to accelerate their gains!
Benefits of New Whey Pro XL.Finally, this great tasting and easy to mix formula is low in fat and is lactose reduced.
Designed for Faster and Better results over traditional Whey Protein Whey Pro XL features InterACTIVE Nutriton's Maximum Results .
Matrix, a technologically advanced nutrient absorption and assimilation matrix. These cutting-edge compounds work synergistically to ensure that your body is primed to take maximum advantage of every serving of Whey Pro XL
I would like to know what kind of protein you are taking and what kind of deit you are on. Good Luck to everyone doing P90X
Miserable While Eating
13 years ago