Monday, April 6, 2009

Days 52 to 58 week 8 and week 9

I have been really busy these last two weeks.On this week I did Yoga, Core Synergistics, Kenpo, rest core synergistics and Yoga and rest.And it was also my second rest week, coming from my last intense three weeks. And it was also the end of Phase 2. I found the core Synergistics better the second time around. So far I notice that I have more muscle definition, I also feel stronger, my balance has improved too. The rest week went really well.

Days 59 to 65 week9

The start of Phase 3, the last phase of P90X, and then five more weeks to go. From start to finish I did chest, back and ab ripperX, Plyometrics, Shoulders, arms and ab ripper X, Yoga, Legs, back and ab ripper X and Kenpo X. I also had kickboxing twice in the evenings. This week was so crazy I found this week hard too. I was really sore all week, it was pretty nuts. Was glad when it was my rest day. So far everything is going really good. And now I have four weeks to go can't wait.